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2005 Festival Recap


Originally posted on our website and recreated here for your reading enjoyment.

In 2005, we staged Romeo & Juliet and Love's Labours Lost.

Romeo & Juliet

The world's best-known story of romance follows two young lovers from first to final kiss. Despite their families' intense rivalry, Romeo and Juliet vow lifelong devotion to each other. As their love is tested by circumstance and human error, these star-crossed lovers prove they will go to any lengths to be together… either in this world or the next. A gripping tale of pure love and intense devotion; come see it again for the first time!

Liz Nicholls - Edmonton Journal

“Kristi Hansen has a laughable, chatty comical sidekick air that gives the gorgeous balcony speeches an original un-awestruck tone.

"In this scaffolded world of viral public and private hatred, love is a rare, delicate, unexpected flower that blooms instantly..."

"You should see these boys when they get really mad. As your mom always says, somebody's bound to lose an eye. Or a cousin. Or their only crack at true love.”

Paul Matwychuk - Vue Weekly

“There's no genteel swordplay here, but a flurry of vicious head-butts and knees to the groin.”

Gilbert Bouchard - See Magazine

“This take on Romeo and Juliet features two ultra-charismatic performers… Sheldon Elter and Kristi Hansen provide a warm human take on the duo… a stellar turn by John Wright as Friar Laurence.”

“The whole cast is delightfully engaged [in this] rough-and-tumble take on the play…"

Colin MacLean - Edmonton Sun

"Patrick Howarth's fights are staged with such brio that you worry for the safety of the actors... In a world where emotions are just barely contained, it becomes easier to understand why Romeo and Juliet fall passionately into each other's arms."

"This is no stodgy, elitist Shakespeare but a fresh and consistently interesting approach from a company that has a vision and the ability to pull it off."

Love's Labour's Lost

Moments after the King and his lords pledge to forsake the company of women in an oath to ‘scholarship', the Princess of France and her ladies arrive on official business. Love smites the entire court and each lord recklessly pursues his favorite – while trying to hide his affair from his friends. Colourful Spanish braggart Don Armado falls for country lass Jaquenetta, letters are lost and found, and lords swoon over ladies in this screwball comedy about the inevitability of love.

Colin MacLean - Edmonton Sun

"The plot is as light as an evening breeze on the North Saskatchewan."

"At one time Love's Labour's Lost was Shakespeare's lost play. It apparently wasn't performed for more than 200 years. This lively, funny production shows what a shame that was."

Liz Nicholls - Edmonton Journal

"Verbal extravagance...comic fireworks in a preposterously symmetrical plot, with four lads renouncing love but instantly falling in love with four gals.”

“This version is delicious, airy, a summer picnic of a show.”

" 'The fox, the ape, and the humble bee' brings down the house."

Paul Matwychuk - Vue Weekly

“…a pastel coloured romance that puts a smile on your face…”

Eva Marie Clarke - See Magazine

“This is one of the most superbly tailored casts ever to hit the Amphitheatre stage.”

“It's impossible to watch Chris Bullough onstage and not be moved to the point of tears.”

“With a sprightly tempo…the production boasts the sleek joviality of the best comedies of Hollywood's golden age.”

2005 Company


John Kirkpatrick

Marianne Copithorne


Julien Arnold

Chris Bullough

Kevin Corey

Paul Morgan Donald

Sheldon Elter

Jesse Gervaise

Kristi Hansen

Kevin Kruchkywich

Annette Loiselle

Troy O'Donnell

Jeff Page

Daniela Vlaskalic

John Wright

Young Company

Shannon Blanchet

Michael Bridgeman

Nadien Chu

Arlen Konopaki


Aaron Macri

Paul Morgan Donald


Cat Mudryk

Narda McCarroll - Costumes

Maya Jarvis

Renate Pohl

Stage Managers

Tracey Bryne

Gina Moe

Candice Charney

Wayne Paquette

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